Saturday, January 26, 2008

insomnia doodle

late night/early morning with illustrator
[reference used; found it while cleaning my desktop]

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bloodlord timelapse

Wanted to try doing a timelapse of photoshop. This is what I was able to get done.I've seen them all over the place, figured I'd give one a try hehe ^_^. Used camtasia for editing and capturing.

Bloodlord Nazztier

A really quick speed painting thing done for a demonstration in photoshop. I'll probably go back in and detail it later but for now, I'll just be sitting on some other things i need to get done.

Friday, January 18, 2008


having a little fun and using colors.

401 posts, damn we're awesome

here's another concept cityscape i'm working on with architecture similar to the previous one.

Blindone concept

I've been working on alot of concepts figured id throw one up, this is a blindone.Hope you like it ^_^.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Little demo of zbrush

Did a demo of Zbrush and to show my modeling process from scratch for some people on my forums, thought I'd share it with you folks. This is a sculpting timelapse of one of my own characters named arbidus. Mainly done as a test for uploading videos and making captures of programs like photoshop or zbrush. So heres my first model timelapse, hope you like it.Sorry for the poor image quality though, wish I could make it better but thats the interweb for ya hehe :]

nazi zombie

Thursday, January 10, 2008

wabbit season

WIP ugg

Why does it the scanner mess up the paint? oh well. On acrylic on cardboard and still workin on it.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Boogie Down! : Animated WIP

Intro for the upcoming "Boogie Down! : Animated" short.

Here's a preview of the comic:

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Layout and a W.I.P.

Alright, my break times over and time to get back to work.Figured I'd start off with a site layout, this is what i got so far and made thumbnails out of my work in progress to serve as placeholder organizing thingies...

more fuel for the fire