What I do'ed today both on the train to MoCCA and sitting down here feeling the urge to contribute some Jack Kirby inspired fan art.

I have a guy named Electric Head. I always have trouble deciding what his final body will look like. Now I'm having trouble deciding which side gets the big eye and which gets the digital eye.

Jack Kirby f'nart - Dr. Doom with the costume from his first appearance pulling a Homer Simpson on Mr. Fantastic

Jack Kirby f'nart - Odin close up. I realized his helmet = 2x head size

Jack Kirby f'nart - A corrected sketch of Odin

I didn't quite understand something I saw in Mr. Driller and made an unintentionally darker version.
I'd also like to relay Evan (Milk and Cheese) Dorkin's response to when I mentioned Drawing Day (please note: he's half joking, so don't get too offended)
"Yeah, that's what artists need, a day of someone telling them to draw more shit for free. I'll be drawing free shit all weekend at MOCCA, is that good enough? Do we get a cookie? Where's Idiot Day? Oh, right, every day is Idiot Day. I don't mean you [referring to my post], btw. I'm tired of This Day and That Day and Whatever Day. No Music Day. Secretary Day. No Pants Day. Not Funny Day, Bad High Concept Day, Marketing Day, Light News Day. Leave Me Alone Day, that's what I'd like. Everyone Fucking Behave Day. One day where no one has to worry about getting jacked up or bothered or ripped off.
Drawing day. No thanks, I can't participate, because I'm already going to be sketching. So come by for your free sketch, but don't ask me to draw, because I'll be sketching. Wink, wink. "