Hey, so I know a lot of you are much more digitally proficient than I am, so I think I can expect amazing things if any of you decide to do a frame for this Johnny Cash video.
I would spend more time on it, but I'm still new to the digital method, and I have lots of finals to finish. Maybe I'll do a better one when this semester's done.
Alchemy is a free drawing program that works wonders for the starting sketch phase of a drawing/painting. You can find it here. It's a small download and oh so worth it. I had a blast using it (spent about 4-5 hours just doodling on it today). I am sure I will be using this a lot more for upcoming paintings.
Here is a side-by-side of the original sketch done in Alchemy and the finished product done in PS.
Elias Jimenez recently issued a challenge to me to draw a character I've been developing each day and post it to our respective blogs. He would do the same with a character he created. It can be a sketch or a full-fledged painting. The art just has to center around that one character. Here's a start of many false starts.
I usually don't like uploading until illustrations are published (even if it is for my own magazine), but I can't find anything else I've scanned at the moment.
I've been quite busy on this piece for the past few days. I got it in my head that I should attempt to create worlds. I've always loved looking at landscape and cityscape paintings so I figured why not try to create some of my own? This is by no means finished. It is still very much a work in progress. Finding the right composition was a whole craft of its own and I don't know if I've found it, yet. Still, it's a whole lot of fun painting this.
Haven't posted here in awhile. I decided to post one piece I did in my limited spare time. It's a scratchboard of a wolf lying on a rock. I gave it an ink wash and used acrylics for the rock.
Gurney Journey: How Ink is Made: "This eight-minute documentary shows how they make commercial printing ink. The colors and textures are so delicious that you’ll want to eat..."