Hi everyone, I hope everyone is enjoying the summer. Tragically my iMac suddenly bit the dust and my hard drive died. It gave no warning so I lost a lot of data. I've been to the Geek Squad and checked some places online and apparently my hard drive is so dead [a level 2-3 or something] it'll cost tons more then I can afford or think my data is worth that much money. SO! I was wondering if anyone here knew of someone that can recover my data for a reasonable price? Thanks! And while I'm here this is something I was working on this week. I call it "First Snow" done on scratchboard.
another red star, renegade nation piece. My only piece of work done purely for myself this month and still needs to be completed.
I don't even know if I can call NJCU a client. I guess I can. Elias, Stephanie, Stephen and myself are working on a deck of cards for NJCU. I call them Gothic Cards; it sounds new and different.
What's that? We already have Gothic Cards? F__ YOU!