Sunday, May 29, 2011

Narc: SaDiM 26

I love the people I work with. They make the grind go easier.

Narc: SaDiM 25

I tend to draw lecturers while I take notes from them.

Narc: SaDiM 24

Second day of UCDA Conference.

Narc: SaDiM 23

Around a dozen sketches while idle at the first day of the UCDA Design Education Conference last Thursday.

Narc: SaDiM 22

Quick sketch of my favorite character from Bleach.

Narc: SaDiM 21

Google Chrome won't let me view or update Blogger for some reason. Downloaded Safari. Firefox and IE are too slow compared to Chrome.

One of the doors at St. Nick's.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

No rest for the wicked

Little idea I've been throwing around in my head. Quite fun.

Update: Fixed perspective. Need to work some more on the lighting.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Narc: SaDiM 17

If you didn't know already, my brother and I have birthdays that are one day apart: May 19 and May 20. Four years distance in age, though.

I keep calling it excellent timing.

You can call us mutants.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Narc: SaDiM 14

Just my luck to get my sketchbook on the way to the Portfolio Review at the Society of Illustrators.

Society of Illustrators -

Narc: SaDiM 13

What I drew on the thank you card I sent to Gail Bichler of the New York Times.

Quick Study

Sketch before my trip to DC.

Monday, May 16, 2011


I'll be scanning in a pile of sketches so I can catch up. Keep up the great work, everyone is doing their part. Were just missing a few people. I hope the ones that are missing spam us with their illustrations.

May 4-Camilo Lara of Mexican Institute of Sound

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Narc: SaDiM 10

Light's a little weird. Couldn't find my kneaded.

Samurai pattern tape on.

speed sketch

This image is a big deal for me since it was done completely in Photoshop. I usually scan in my pencil drawing and color over the line art but I now do all sketching drawing in painting in photshop. Not the greatest image but I am excited about much time will be saved doing everything digitally.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sketch a advance.

I don't like having to do this every day so here are 4 from the ol' scrap section of the sketch book.


A little sketching goes a long way. The face is from no reference. Quite proud of that :D