Hello everyone. I haven’t really been active on the web anywhere. Don’t worry. I’ve actually been busy setting up a lot of things.
For example, Instigatorzine has been catching steam and rolling along at a very swift pace. We’re working towards legitimizing the periodical on a professional level. That means getting a LLC, a P.O. Box, appearing at the 2011 New York Comic Con, etc. A lot of major moves.
That said, Instigatorzine needs everyone’s help raising money for expenses towards this professional stage. The link featured will take you to our Kickstarter profile which will enable you to contribute to our cause. We’re nothing without you, and you are our strongest attribute. Without your art and your literature, the ‘zine wouldn’t be where it is right now.
Please help us make our goal by Monday, August 22, 2011! You’ll get neat prizes for your greatly appreciated contribution. :)