Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Couldn't sleep..

Well tuesday's daily sketches come a bit early. I couldn't sleep so I did some extra work in GIMP.


Sarah said...

What is "gimp"? I've seen it mentioned here a few times but not sure what it was. Is it like Photoshop?

Anonymous said...

GIMP stands for "GNU Image Manipulation Program." It's very much like Photoshop, but it's freely distributed. The main difference between the two is it's interface and functionality limitations/freedoms.

for more info you can go here: http://www.gimp.org/

Narciso said...

Fun. Is that a walking tadpole?

Sarah said...

I checked it out, it looks really neat and the interface looks more user friendly. Not sure if I'll install it since I already have Photoshop but nice to know that there are options. :)

N/A said...

yeah its pretty sweet. If i wasnt using photoshop i'd prbly be using GIMP.