Monday, November 3, 2008



N/A said...

damn nice work D, from the bubbles to the booty. I remember the days when you woulda rendered each bubble by hand, we've come a long way hehe

damani said...

thanks, bro! i remember those days too! LOL i was rendering dragon scales one at a time! so young, so naive! LOL gonna revisit this one when i can! not sure whether i should leave the outline or make it a complete color study.

damani said...

i still think that fish is off the hook! no pun intended! LOL

RedFireManiac said...

So how did you do those bubbles?

I'm still young (sort of) and naive.

damani said...

the bubbles were done by a custom brush that i made, mr maniac. i can show how to do it. it's pretty easy!