Saturday, November 29, 2008

quick on the draw

for alluring lines


Mad said...

this looks familiar (gives the evil eye)... nice...

N/A said...

word, thanks for the reference;]

Narciso said...

I don't know how you churn it out so quickly.

I'm having trouble with just one female.

Or maybe I'm thinking about it too much and not letting the flow take over.

N/A said...

this actually took me some time, mebe about 4 hrs all together. 6 with breaks and stuff. I was tryin to make my women look a bit softer since i felt my last drawing was very aggressive.

RedFireManiac said...

That's still fast haha.

I'm with Nic on this, don't know how you do it.

Though I guess I take forever on anything I do, bah.