Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jason's first...

The Cosmic Samaritan #2 is being re-inked. As much as Damani thinks rendering chrome is the bane of his existence, I feel inking is mine. Still trying to get the gist of it, but I think I'm getting there. Here's a example of the change in style:

^^ This is page one as it was originally inked. It's much more in the style of how the first issue was done.

^^ This is the page one re-inked. You can clearly see the difference. The result is a similar, but more defined style. It's cleaner and not as dark. Colors by Anthony Lofton.


Unknown said...

HEEEEYYY!!!! he finally comes to the blog! panels are lookin good, son! lookin REAL good! keep it up! lets show them comic book guys what we can do!

Narciso said...

Looks really good! More!

--Mr.Lofton-- said...

good post lookin forward to more stuff. keep crankin out pages.