Wednesday, October 17, 2007

yet another pose

jason wasn't crazy about the legs, so i cut 'em off! the pose is a little different. i'm tryin out the suggestions i've been given. kells, butters, jump in whenever you feel like it! i love it when women tell me what to do! XD

thanks jess and ironfox! the previous post, arms to the side, no legs showing, is definitely the one i like most! i appreciate your suggestions!


Jess said...

*is a girl* Hmm...I think it looks good with or without the legs...not sure how much I like the placement of the balled up fist...I like the glowing effect...maybe have one arm down at his side like in the previous pose, and have the other arm extended up in a fist that glows. Hope that helps some.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, well after looking at the previous posts, I'd say I do like the way you did the glowing fist. However I think it'd look better and even emphasis more on him actually flying if he were in the same pose as the post just before this, but with eiher one or both hands glowing and having an energy trail coming off them to show the direction he is coming from.

JFAStudios said...
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JFAStudios said...

I like the way you changed the placement of his fist. Good variation from your last posts.

The previous post with his arms to the sides with no legs showing was good as well. I'd say go with that one or this. Both are very strong poses.

Also, I got your last note. Check your e-mails for my reply. Keep up the excellent work, and a very special thanks to all who offered their suggestions!

JFAStudios said...
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Anonymous said...

i was more concerned if the figure was able to stand on its own without the bg.... but looking at it now i like it a lot... so now wen u add the bg it should look crazy good =D