Monday, June 15, 2009

i'm alive!! meh meh meh...

Here is the final versions, ella wanted two...

this is the "thank you" for the portfolio review (duh =P) and it's not done but getting there, ella wants to put it in a take out box, you know the small styrofoam boxes, with a personal message written on a napkin or the inside top cover, we don't really know yet. on a personal note, this was painful to draw cuz i don't like cherries nor do i like pie but none of that really matters....


ART Louis said...

mmmmm! i wants sum pie!!!

Anonymous said...

Looking good so far. I'd say be careful with that edge on the left though. The plate and crust are starting to blend a bit too much.

Narciso said...

Pie's good. Pie's good. I don't know about cherries, but pie's good.

N/A said...

on my monitor the one w/out red is much easier on the eyes. Tho in print the red would match nicely with the invitation.